Welcome to Who Is Theodore Us?
This blog will in no way attempt to answer this question but instead chronicle my time spent wargaming and painting.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Painting update

I've found myself in a unique (for me at least) position this month, with more games than painting time. This has been fantastic, but not made much progress with models.
I have finished this Warhammer Treeman who will be an Ent for LOTR.

I also took a punt on a Reaper Bones bat swarm (£3.20) as the GW one is rubbish and expensive. I'm quite impressed and may get a couple more. I had to scrape the markings off the grave stone, but otherwise it's perfect.

The other painting has been more on Sharku and his warg riders.

One of my gaming highlights has been a day of X Wing with my son (age 6) and a friend and his son (age 8). We managed 3 games and stopped because we ran out of time. The boys were fantastic and absolutely hooked. It is a tribute to the game that they concentrated all day and still wanted to play more. Great signs for future gaming!

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